All photographs on this website are mine. I have always been with a camera at any special event. Now that my path lays before me, I feel that my photography is dictated by my intuition much like my coaching. I plan to document a client's journey in pictures. Imagine the joy when after a path is made clear, taking a photograph of it. As dreams become reality, taking a photograph of it. When a goal is reached to open a business, taking a photograph of it. I think you can begin to realize the benefit of being a coach who is also a photographer and what that can bring to the client I serve. And if you may just be looking for that intuitive person to come and take photographs to place on your website ...
"Kate is so easy to be around. The world needs more people like her in it! Love my photos!" ~ Natalie M. - Blissful Living
"Kate did a professional photo shoot for me and my partner to display our new office and the healing work we do. I not be more happy or grateful with her sensitivity, intuition, and creativity in taking photos. They came out so beautiful--really showing the energy of ourselves and our work. She is a joy to work with and gave us such a wide variety to choose from. Thank you Kate!" ~ Megan R. - Free to be Healed
"... is an amazing woman spending time with her makes me smile. Love her passion. She helped me capture my products and my Uniqueness of being me." ~ Teresa M. - Be U and More